

Halo 提供了两个类用于与自定义模型数据交互 ExtensionClientReactiveExtensionClient

它们的本质就是操作数据库,区别在于 ExtensionClient 是阻塞式 API,而 ReactiveExtensionClient 是响应式 API,接口返回值只有两种 Mono 或 Flux,它们由 reactor 提供。

public interface ReactiveExtensionClient {

* Lists Extensions by Extension type, filter and sorter.
* @param type is the class type of Extension.
* @param predicate filters the reEnqueue.
* @param comparator sorts the reEnqueue.
* @param <E> is Extension type.
* @return all filtered and sorted Extensions.
<E extends Extension> Flux<E> list(Class<E> type, Predicate<E> predicate,
Comparator<E> comparator);

* Lists Extensions by Extension type, filter, sorter and page info.
* @param type is the class type of Extension.
* @param predicate filters the reEnqueue.
* @param comparator sorts the reEnqueue.
* @param page is page number which starts from 0.
* @param size is page size.
* @param <E> is Extension type.
* @return a list of Extensions.
<E extends Extension> Mono<ListResult<E>> list(Class<E> type, Predicate<E> predicate,
Comparator<E> comparator, int page, int size);

* Fetches Extension by its type and name.
* @param type is Extension type.
* @param name is Extension name.
* @param <E> is Extension type.
* @return an optional Extension.
<E extends Extension> Mono<E> fetch(Class<E> type, String name);

Mono<Unstructured> fetch(GroupVersionKind gvk, String name);

<E extends Extension> Mono<E> get(Class<E> type, String name);

* Creates an Extension.
* @param extension is fresh Extension to be created. Please make sure the Extension name does
* not exist.
* @param <E> is Extension type.
<E extends Extension> Mono<E> create(E extension);

* Updates an Extension.
* @param extension is an Extension to be updated. Please make sure the resource version is
* latest.
* @param <E> is Extension type.
<E extends Extension> Mono<E> update(E extension);

* Deletes an Extension.
* @param extension is an Extension to be deleted. Please make sure the resource version is
* latest.
* @param <E> is Extension type.
<E extends Extension> Mono<E> delete(E extension);


如果你想在插件中根据 name 参数查询获取到 Person 自定义模型的数据,则可以这样写:

private final ReactiveExtensionClient client;

Mono<Person> getPerson(String name) {
return client.fetch(Person.class, name);

或者使用阻塞式 API:

private final ExtensionClient client;

Optional<Person> getPerson(String name) {
return client.fetch(Person.class, name);

我们建议你更多的使用响应式的 ReactiveExtensionClient 去替代 ExtensionClient